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Dog Rocks - Reduce Lawn Burn - 200g - 2 Months Supply
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Dog Rocks - Reduce Lawn Burn - 200g - 2 Months Supply


£10.72 (inc. VAT)

Lawn burn occurs when a dog urinates on the grass, causing unsightly yellow patches. This is due to the high nitrogen content in dog urine, which, while beneficial in small amounts, can harm grass when concentrated. The result is a lawn that looks less than its best, with patches that stand out and detract from its overall beauty.

How Dog Rocks Work

Dog Rocks for Dog Urine Lawn Burn are a natural and unique solution to this problem. These are small rocks that you place in your dog's water bowl. Made from naturally occurring paramagnetic igneous rock, they work by filtering out impurities from the water your dog drinks. By reducing the amount of nitrates and other compounds in the water, "Lawn Dog Rocks" subsequently reduce the amount of these compounds in your dog's urine. This means that when your dog urinates on the lawn, the urine is less harmful to the grass. 200g pack

Product Features

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  • Pack Size: - 200g Pack
  • Target Animal: - Dog (Canine)
  • Pet Prescription Required?: - No
  • Product Name: - Dog Rocks - Reduce Lawn Burn - 200g - 2 Months Supply

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Key Features of Dog Rocks for Lawns

  1. Natural Solution: Dog Rocks for Urine Lawn Burn are 100% natural, ensuring that they are safe for your pets. There are no chemicals or artificial additives involved.

  2. Easy to Use: Simply place the "Lawn Dog Rocks" in your dog's water bowl. Over time, as your dog drinks the water, the rocks will start to have an effect on the urine's composition.

  3. Effective: Many users have reported a noticeable difference in the appearance of their lawns after using Dog Rocks for Lawns. The yellow patches become less pronounced, leading to a healthier-looking garden.

Usage Instructions

For optimal results with Dog Rocks, ensure that the rocks are submerged in the water bowl at all times. It's recommended to replace the rocks every two months to maintain their efficacy. Also, ensure that your dog's water bowl is their primary source of water, so they consistently consume the treated water.

Dog Rocks are an all natural product of Australia. When Dog Rocks are placed in your dogs water bowl they help reduce burn patches on grass that are caused by pet urine

Dog Rocks saves your lawn from those nasty brown patches caused by your dog's urine.

- Dog Rocks are completely natural rock.
- Dog Rocks are regularly Laboratory tested
- Safe for your dog
- Does not effect the pH of your dog's urine
- Selling in Australia, USA, New Zealand, South Africa, UK and Europe

Dog Rocks are an exciting and proven product used to help prevent those nasty burn patches appearing on your lawn where your pet urinates. By simply placing contents of DOG ROCKS packet into your pet’s water bowl and filling it with water your lawns will start to look greener and fresher. Dog Rocks hold special properties that helps your loving pet fertilize your lawn, not destroy it. Dog Rocks are regularly laboratory tested and are safe for your pets.
