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Human Health Benefits to Owning a Pet

Human Health Benefits to Owning a Pet

Did you know that owning a pet can actually be good for your overall health? This is why a lot of people have pets, especially older individuals that have declining health. Animals can really help to bring us better emotional wellbeing, and they can also help to improve our spiritual wellbeing. This day and age, more people have pets. Whether they just want a companion, or they just are a lover of animals, they can benefit in a variety of ways- including physically. Owning a pet has many health benefits for humans. People who own pets are more likely to be active, which is a good thing for your overall health. Pets can also help reduce stress and anxiety, which can lead to better physical health.

Most people that have pets will find that they are able to live longer, and they also age more gracefully. They don’t have as much loneliness either, because they always have a companion to be with. Studies show [[ that it can help to decrease our stress, lower our blood pressure, lower our cholesterol, and improve our mood, give us an immunity boost, improve our fitness level, and even improve the overall quality of our lives. That’s a whole lot of benefits. Here are a few others to consider.

People that own pets will usually find that they have better heart health. This has been shown through research and studies that have been conducted over the years. It not only lowers blood pressure, but also helps to control cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Studies have shown that cats especially are able to decrease the risk of heart attack in people by up to a third. That is really something to consider, especially if you are prone to heart conditions. Hospitals have even begun having therapy dogs to help with their patients. This is common not only in regular hospitals, but also mental hospitals and nursing homes. The impact that it has had on the patients has been well documented. It not only helped to lift their spirits, but it also helps when it comes to calming the nerves and alleviating loneliness.

Pets can even help to facilitate the social interaction between people. Individuals that are in a wheelchair will often get an assistance dog to help improve their independence and boost their self esteem. It has been reported that it helps to make them more social beings, which can also help to improve their overall health. Everyone needs to be social, because humans are social beings.

Dogs and cats have also been noted to be able to detect cancer in their owners. They will lick their patient and smell the area, and this helps them to actually be able to let their owner know that something is wrong. Early detection is key in this type of illness, so it really helps a whole lot.

Pet ownership can also help people that suffer from Alzheimer’s disease to have a pet, because it helps them to have less frequent mood swings, and it also helps to cut down on their confusion and aggression. If you have a loved one that has Alzheimer’s, it may be a good idea to get them a pet that they can socialize with, especially if they are still living at home and not in an assisted living facility or nursing home.

As you can see, pets can really have a great impact on our overall health and quality of life. If you have never considered a pet, it may be something that you should do. It can not only help to improve your mental health and spiritual health, but it is clear that they can also help your physical health. This is just one of the added benefits that comes along with having pets. Just remember to get a pet that will work well for your home environment.

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