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Mikki - Plastic Back Flea Comb
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Mikki - Plastic Back Flea Comb



An easy method of seeing whether your pet is carrying fleas. The flea and its dirt will be caught up by the combs fine teeth

Product Features

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  • Pack Size: - Sold Individually
  • Target Animal: - Any Pet
  • Pet Prescription Required?: - No
  • Product Name: - Mikki - Plastic Back Flea Comb

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Mikki Flea Comb with Plastic Back offers an easy method of seeing whether your pet is carrying fleas. The flea and its dirt will be caught up by the combs fine teeth. If your pet if scratching more often or has what looks like little flecks of dirt on its fur it would be best to treat your pet for fleas and with this handy little flea comb it makes detecting fleas on your pet easier.

If your pet has fleas when you use the Mikki Flea Comb you will see the fleas stuck in the teeth or flea dirt (tiny little bits of what looks like dirt). You can perform a simple task to make sure it is flea dirt if you place the combed out flea dirt onto a white kitchen roll or something similar and make the flea dirt damp you will notice a reddish/brownish smudge. This will confirm that it is flea dirt you have combed out.

When treating for fleas remember to treat both the house and the pet
